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Natural · Pure · Effective   

Collagen is the basis of our body.

Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides is a great
solution to add collagen to your daily diet.

For healthy Skin, Hair, Nails, and Joints.

Natural · Pure · Effective   

Collagen is the basis of our body.

Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides is a great
solution to add collagen to your daily diet.

For healthy Skin, Hair, Nails, and Joints.

Natural · Pure · Effective

Collagen is the basis of our body.

Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides is a great solution to add collagen to your daily diet.

For healthy Skin, Hair, Nails, and Joints.

There is nothing more pure and natural

Today, the production of dietary supplements is at the limit of its capabilities. Having become dependent on the use of fragrance and flavour substances, as well as of other allergens, manufacturers often ignore values such as product purity and naturalness. In the pursuit of profit, manufacturers often omit information about the source of origin of their products, using cheaper raw materials derived from pork or so-called «vegetable collagen», which in fact is not collagen at all.

Our Buyer deserves better treatment.

Heles Nutrition® offers 100% natural Collagen made from just one simple ingredient: Bovine Collagen Peptides. And nothing but Bovine Collagen Peptides.

Due to their purity, Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides are neutral in flavour and can be added to water, coffee or other favourite drinks and meals at any time of the day.

Rated 4.9 out of 5
4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 178 reviews)

Collagen accompanies our youth

Maintain natural beauty from within

Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides. Articles about the benefits of collagen peptides

Collagen is a protein found in almost every tissue in our body, including skin, muscles, and tendons. It is known that, starting at the age of 25, there is a decrease in the natural production of collagen in the body. This leads to conditions associated with aging, such as reduced skin elasticity, deterioration of hair and nails, and impaired joint mobility. Numerous studies show that the amino acids that make up collagen can stimulate the production of your own collagen in the body.

Based on this knowledge, we are able to offer you a unique product that has recently justifiably gained immense popularity among people who care about their health.

Heles Nutrition® Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides provide 10 grams of Bioactive Type 1 and Type 3 Collagen Peptides per scoop and 18 amino acids. Using Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides is an easy way to add collagen to your daily diet.

The natural solution for your beauty

Collagen is the main component of connective tissues, including skin, muscles, ligaments, and joints.
Like glue, this important structural protein sticks all the cells and tissues of our body together into a single organism. And it is thanks to this property of collagen that our skin has elasticity, hair strength, and nails strength.

It is known that after the age of 25 in the body there is a decrease in the natural production of collagen. This can lead to conditions associated with aging, such as reduced skin elasticity, deteriorating hair and nails, and impaired joint mobility.
Collagen-based supplements have justifiably gained immense popularity among health-conscious people in recent years.

Numerous studies show that the amino acids that make up Collagen are able to stimulate the production of your own collagen in the body.
By supplementing your diet with Collagen Peptides, they can help:

  • increase in firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • maintaining strong hair and nails;
  • normal functioning of joints, tendons, and muscles.

Our product consists of one simple ingredient: high-quality Bovine Collagen Peptides. The recommended daily serving of 10 grams of Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides (1 scoop) contain 10 grams of bioactive Collagen Peptides Types 1 and 3 and 18 amino acids, including 8 essential amino acids. Our product contains absolutely no additional additives.

One scoop (the recommended daily serving) contains 10 grams of bioactive Collagen Peptides Types 1 and 3, 18 amino acids, including 8 essential amino acids. Due to their purity, Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides are neutral in flavour and can be added to water, coffee or other favourite drinks and meals at any time of the day. In addition, Collagen Peptides can be used in the preparation of familiar dishes, adding to soups, sauces, and baking mixes, significantly increasing their protein value.

Heles Nutrition® Collagen Peptides Reviews

Rated 4.9 out of 5
4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 178 reviews)
Very good6%

Товар отличный. Спасибо, отличный продавец. Рекомендую

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 10, 2025

Отличный товар, заказывала уже 2 раза. Рекомендую. Хочу заказать 500 г. Жду в наличии.


Par pasūtīšanu

Rated 4.0 out of 5
December 21, 2024

Nevaru vēl neko pateikt,jo lieoju tikai pirmo pasūtījumu Vakar mēģināju pasūtīt vēl,bet nezinu,vai izdevās?


Response from Heles Nutrition

Labdien, Gunta! Jūsu pasūtījums ir apstrādāts un nosūtīts! Priecāsimies saņemt Jūsu atsauksmes pēc kolagēna uzņemšanas kursa! Jauku dienu!

заметные результаты

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 9, 2024

Принимаю этот коллаген уже месяц. Удобен в применении, добавляю в чай или просто в воду одну мерную ложку. Вкус не меняет. Никаких особых ощущений после приема. Точно могу сказать, что кожа стала более увлажненной, улучшился общий тонус и упругость. Понравился состав — без химических добавок, что важно для меня.

Буду продолжать принимать. В целом, довольна покупкой и готова рекомендовать.


закажу еще

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 8, 2024

Принимаю ваш коллаген каждое утро перед завтраком. Никаких побочных эффектов и неприятных ощущений после приема нет. Кожа стала более увлажнённой и подтянутой. Внешний вид улучшился, особенно в области щёк и вокруг глаз. Пока не могу сказать, что эффект кардинальный, но изменения есть. Буду продолжать



Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 8, 2024

Dabūju kolagēna pasūtījumu. Paldies! Kad labāk lietot? No rīta vai vakarā?


Response from Heles Nutrition

Labdien, Ilona.

Par to, kā vislabāk lietot Heles Nutrition® kolagēnu, varat izlasīt rakstā mūsu tīmekļa vietnē https://helesnutrition.com/lv/heles-nutrition-collagen-peptides-is-a-great-solution-to-add-сollagen-to-your-daily-diet/. Jauku dienu!

Хорошо помогает

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 8, 2024

Заказываю второй раз, коллаген нравится. После месяца приема перестали хрустеть суставы и ушли болезненные ощущения. Удобно применять. Я добавляю одну мерную ложку в чай с утра. Еще заметила, что стала более энергичной и меньше устаю. Советую своим подругам для поддержки


Отличный порошок от этого производителя

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 11, 2024

Уже давно принимаю коллаген, но всегда покупала в жидком виде. В порошке заказала впервые и была приятно удивлена. Легко растворяется в воде и получается тот же коллаген, но по качеству значительно лучше и в разы бюджетнее. Без неприятного специфического привкуса. Дозировка пептидов в 10000 мг – работает заметно лучше для кожи. Идеальный состав без вкусовых добавок и ароматизаторов. Быстрая и удобная доставка


Лучший коллаген

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 4, 2024

Принимаем ваш коллаген с дочерью и обе довольны. Первым делом отметили улучшения кожи – стала более увлажненной. У меня прошли давнишние боли в пояснице, при этом я каждый день работала на даче. Удобно применять, я добавляю пептиды в утренний чай одну мерную ложку. Отлично растворяется и не меняет вкус. Тот случай, когда ценность продукта выше его стоимости


Labi rezultāti. Tīrais sastāvs

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 4, 2024

Pasūtīju kolagēnu vasarā un lietoju katru rītu pirms brokastīm. Esmu apmierināta ar rezultātiem. Vairs nesāpēja locītavas un kauli. Tagad katru dienu pastaigājos pa jūru. Tāpat ievērojami uzlabojusies ādas kvalitāte. Paldies!

Iveta V

efektīvais kolagēns

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 20, 2024

Visu vasaru lietoju jūsu kolagēnu. Sāpes elkoņos un ceļgalos bija zudušas. Es esmu ļoti priecīga. Velta Kuns

Velta K
Romina J.
Romina J.
verified buyer
Read More
Collagen has firmly entered my life since I saw the first wrinkles on my face. I am a supporter of natural and natural methods of maintaining beauty and youth, so I started adding this product to my drinks every morning. Smoothies, juices, or just water. The results on the skin and nails were noticed even by my friends, who began to repeat after me. I buy this collagen for my parents for joint support. This is a working product. The quality is top-notch. Pure collagen, no additives. It is easy and pleasant to use. We will continue to take it.
Marina T.
Marina T.
verified buyer
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Heles Nutrition Collagen Peptides are the first collagen I started taking. After I had COVID, my hair began to fall out every time I combed it. I just cried. After 2-3 weeks of daily use, I was amazed at the result. The hair loss has stopped, and the hair has become alive and shiny. After that, I continued to take it and looked forward to it helping my skin and nails. I use it every morning with coffee. I recommend this product; it's really high quality.
Stephanie V.
Stephanie V.
verified buyer
Read More
Great product. I have been using collagen peptide powder for a long time and have something to compare it with. This collagen is a valuable find. Firstly, this is honestly bovine collagen, unlike many other collagens of unknown origin. Secondly, It has absolutely no flavour or smell, which is very important for me since I use it every morning with clean water. Collagen instantly dissolves, which indicates its purity. I really liked adding the powder to the pancake mix. Collagen is with me forever))

Heles Nutrition® is more than just a nutritional supplement brand.
Heles Nutrition® is a lifestyle. Healthy, beautiful, and happy life.